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Use of Air Compressors and Low-Pressure Blowers in Mining and Mineral Processes

6 May 2022

The mining industry, whether it be underground or surface mining, never sleeps. Mining work is generally completed in harsh conditions with mining processes running 24/7. Mining also often takes place in remote locations miles away from the nearest town.


Air Compressors and Low-pressure Blowers are two key pieces of equipment that are used to power mining processes. Listed below are some of the many applications in the mining industry where compressors and blowers are essential for peak operational efficiency. Learn more about how these machines help keep mining applications up and running below!

Use of Compressors in mining

Use of Compressors in Mining

Air Compressors in the Mining Industry

The entire mining process, from exploration to one processing, smelting and refining, uses some form of compressed air.

  1. Drilling - In drilling equipment, compressed air powers the rotating drill bit which acts like a jackhammer.
  2. Spargers - Also can be the pipes located at the bottom of tanks. Compressed air is introduced into the tank. Small orifices are placed throughout the tank to ensure even air distribution.
  3. Smelting and Refining - Through a process of melting and heating, metal is extracted from ores. This usually occurs in processing/smelting plants that are located near mining operations and involves air compressors throughout the end-to-end process. Refining, however, is the process of increasing the purity/grade of metals that have been extracted from ores and other raw materials. During refinement, compressed air helps oxidize any additional alloys so that material isn't wasted.
  4. Tools and Instruments - Pneumatic tools used in mining require clean and dry air (provided by air compressors) in order to work. This ensures that drills, pneumatic loaders, saws, wrenches, pneumatic loaders, and other key pieces of equipment function without issue. The same applies to mining instruments!
  5. Blasting - Want to break rock and other material? The strictly controlled use of explosives is one way to go about this. Compressed air assists in this process by providing high-velocity air streams to set off the explosives.
  6. Ventilation Systems - Ever wonder how miners can safely breathe so deeply underground? Compressed air provides ventilation for deep mining operations. Compressed air ensures that safe and clean air is available in places like refuge bays in case of emergencies.

Low-Pressure Blowers and Compressors in the Mining Industry

Many mining applications require large flows of air at lower pressures. Low-pressure blowers and compressors can be used in a variety of applications to improve efficiency without sacrificing reliability.

  1. 24/7 Heap Leaching - Heap Leaching is a chemical process that dissolves the mineral from the ore. The process varies depending on the type of ore and its concentration. Low pressure air is blown through the leaching pad to enhance the process.
  2. 24/7 Flotation Cells - Also referred to as "froth flotation." This application is used to help separate minerals from the slurry in the processing of gold, platinum, copper, lead, zinc, and aluminum. A steady stream of low-pressure air is required to create the froth in this process. Some new high efficiency cells are now using up to 2 bar pressures. The new ZE series units can supply these pressures.
  3. 24/7 Wastewater Treatment - Wastewater from the mining processes and from the surrounding camps is treated before being introduced back into the environment. Mines are often located in remote areas with limited access to water sources, so it is essential that wastewater treatment systems remain operational at all times.
  4. Material Handling - Handling of fine materials and dusty products is important in mining industry for a good return on investment. Controlled Low-Pressure Air can be used for fluidisation and for conveying material throughout the mining process.
  5. Reverse Pulsing of Disc Filters - Recovery of the mineral paste needs to be handled precisely for the best recovery. Low-pressure compressors with VSD drives can be speed-controlled from the outside to give the precise amount of air needed for smooth operation and good product recovery.
  6. CIP and CIL-Cyanide process - These processes are used in Gold recovery process. Low pressure compressors with temperature-controlled aftercoolers are used in this area to ensure proper process control
  7. Furnace Air - In many instances large volumes of air are required to be induced into the Furnaces during the refining process. This is where the large Multistage and Turbo compressors come into operation. These units have a multitude of models available for the different applications.

As we stated, the mining industry never sleeps. Investing in reliable equipment and a strong local service network can help you avoid equipment breakdowns and keep your business running around the clock.

Our wide range of energy efficient air compressors and low pressure blowers are highly reliable and require little maintenance. When maintenance is required, the global network of service and support is there to help. Call us at 1800 023 469 or fill out our contact form and someone will get back to you soon.

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Compressed Air for the Mining Industry

Are you interested in an overview of compressed air for the Mining Industry? Compressed Air in Mining is further explored on our Mining Industry page. Here you can find our product and service solutions, customer stories and much more!

Mining Industry Blowers Air compressors