Corporate governance


In accordance with the Swedish Companies Act and the Code, the Board and its committees annually review and adopt “The Rules of Procedure” and “The Written Instructions”, which are documents that govern the Board’s work and distribution of tasks between the Board, the committees and the President as well as the Company’s reporting processes.

Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee has among other things the task to propose candidates for the Board of Directors with knowledge and experience best suited to the sustainable and profitable development of the Atlas Copco Group.
People discussing, taking notes.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee’s primary task is to support the Board of Directors in fulfilling its responsibilities in the areas of audit and internal control, accounting, financial reporting and risk management as well as to supervise the financial structure and operations of the Group and approve financial guarantees and new legal entities, delegated by the Board.
Employees discussing a brochure.

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee’s primary task is to propose to the Board the remuneration to the President and CEO and a long-term incentive plan for key employees.
Meeting sitting down in the office.