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Time-proven reliability

All components of the compressors have been selected meticulously. Engineering is based on advanced technology and production is subject to strict qualifications and testing procedures. The Smart Airlogic controller ensures flexible monitoring as well as the filtration system has been designed for long lifetime.

Service friendly design

The canopy's wide doors open 180 and panels can be easily removed. When opened the compressors offer easy access to all working parts and consumables without the use of any special tools. A clear service scheldule is available from the Airlogic.

Easy to install and operate

All compressors have a low noise level for compatibility with most operating environments. The all-in-one included package ensures that no special foundation is needed. All connections are accessible from the same side for installation. Also ducting happens smoothly from the roof.

Frequency inverter

A load/unload compressor delivers a constant air capacity. In case the set pressure is reached, the compressor turns into unload mode (inlet valve controlled). The compressor starts up the same routine as soon as the pressure value drops down a predefined level.

A frequency inverted compressor, however, has a working pattern with lower peaks and a smooth air profile. Due to a frequency inverter the compressor never switched load/unload, as the number of rotations adapts itself to the energy consumption. This results in the compressor transferring all energy consumed into the process to compress air, which is very cost efficient.

CPVS can be equipped with an IVR highly efficient frequency converter with low harmonic distortion built-in in the canopy in a well-ventilated housing. In case of a highly fluctuating consumptions saving over 30% compared to a fixed speed equivalent can be achieved! 


CP Air Compressors Australia

Chicago Pneumatic Compressors


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