What Can Happen if I Add Too Much Oil?
We often receive calls from customers saying, “My compressor is spitting oil.” or “There is oil coming out of my compressor lines.” Those are both indications that the air compressor was overfilled with lubricant.
Typically when we think of adding/changing oil, we think about the oil in automobiles. When oil is added, it is usually filled near the top, which is why there is a common misconception of having the same practice for air compressors. However, filling your compressors oil sump to the top can cause significant internal damage to your unit. When excess amounts of oil become aerosolized by the compressor’s discharge, it can cause damages not only to your compressor, but to any pneumatic tools and accessories that are hooked up to your compressor. Oily discharge can also ruin your end-product, sometimes to the point where projects must be scrapped and reworked entirely. Any spray painting, sanding or the application of finishes would be ruined by oil entering the airstream.
To keep your air compressor running as efficiently as possible, it is important to make sure it is always operating at the proper oil level. With preventative maintenance, you’ll greatly reduce the risk of having projects ruined by the interference of oil in your compressor’s airstream
Have questions about adding the proper amount of oil to your Chicago Pneumatic compressor? Contact us at technical.support@cp.com.