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Air treatment and condensation management equipment are essential equipment for the use of compressed air, which is associated with the use of compressed air. These equipment are specifically designed to work with screw and piston compressors. In today’s compressed air operations, continuity and precision are as important as the compressed air itself. Dust, oil, water vapor or or coarse water contained in the compressed air causes damage to the valves, pistons and loss of work. These unwanted elements in your compressed air system are separated from the compressed air by various equipment.
The choice of compressed air dryers, filters and other equipment is very important to achieve the desired product quality, increase the service life of the equipment you use in your factory, prevent corrosion in your compressed air line, prevent your possible costs and increase efficiency. Our wide range of products will provide you with the right solutions for all your applications.
Thanks to the environmentally friendly gases we use, we do our part to minimize the effects that can occur with global warming.
Using the highest technology and quality components, our air treatment products provide reliable, trouble-free and efficient solutions.
With high filtration and purification provided by critical components, the dry and filtered compressed air you use in your system ensures the product quality you want in your business.
Şerifalı Mevkii Hat Boyu Street Turgut Özal Boulevard no: 168 Ümraniye / Istanbul ✉
MultiAir Italia S.r.l. - International
Via Cristoforo Colombo 3, Robassomero (TO), 10070 Italy