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Industry 4.0 in action - Big savings from wireless tool communication solution

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Millions of dollars of increased annual uptime projected, plus improved tool ergonomics and faster cycle times.


Atlas Copco Tools and Assembly Systems is currently working with one of our major automotive manufacturing customers to solve their wireless assembly tool communication issue, with projected savings close to $9 Million per year.

Our Regional Sales Manager at the plant, along with the customer’s production team, identified a persistent problem - their previous communication method for wireless assembly tools was frequently dropping data connection with their tool controllers. This failed connection would result in lost tightening data, as well as an average of 14 minutes of production downtime per day, with 18 tools on the line.


Atlas Copco SRB - our wireless, error-proofed, one-handed low reaction tools combined with Power Focus 6000, the flagship tool controller that is the core of ‘Smart Connected Assembly,’ our vision for Industry 4.0. The 5 GHz Wi-Fi connection between tool and controller enables reliable, interference-free communication. Results are sent directly to the auto maker’s quality system, eliminating downtime and rework from missing tightening data.

Not only will our customer benefit from millions of dollars of increased annual uptime, operators will enjoy improved tool ergonomics and faster cycle times thanks to TurboTight, our patented tightening strategy.

Atlas Copco SRB wireless, low reaction tools plus Power Focus 6000 Atlas Copco SRB wireless, low reaction tools plus Power Focus 6000
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