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Momentum Talks

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Interview: Eliminate the risk, and use smart bolting solutions

1 minuto(s) de leitura julho 22, 2021

Smart Connected Bolting is supporting the Energy transition by driving the transformation

Global Business Manager for Energy, Calum Urquhart, was interviewed by PES WIND Magazine and spoke about the benefits of using smart bolting solutions within the wind sector.

With the energy sector going through a transition, Atlas Copco are helping drive this transformation by delivering smart tools to field applications, which we call Smart Connected Bolting. By introducing smart tools to the processes out in the field, it can minimize or even eliminate the risk of errors, drastically reduce injuries and save on process time.

Find out more about smart bolting, and download the full interview below.

Please note, the interview is only available in English.

calum urquhart headshot

Learn more about Atlas Copco Bolting solutions

  • Energia