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Accessibility & ergonomics

The Tensor IxB platform offers a revolutionary approach for working with ergonomically challenged applications

Reach the least accessible joints

Every production process environment is different. We have spent time researching and developing a tool family to make operators lives easier and we are proud to introduce our latest innovations to contribute to the Smart Factory and Industry 4.0.


Work around challenging production environments

There are many ergonomically challenging applications in every production process. In some environments, the joints are hard to reach and access, while in others, the operator movement is restricted. Others can create stress and fatigue to the operators due to unnatural working positions.


Ensure accuracy in cramped area applications

The Tensor ICB puts the operator ergonomics needs first. It can be combined with a variety of attachments designed to give the user access to the least accessible joints. Versatility is key. One tool can be used in a number of different applications.

A revolutionary tightening tool

With its rotating head and trigger, as well as compact and slim design, the Tensor ICB is a true versatile tool that can be used in many different types of applications.

Perfect for cramped area applications

Superior ergonomics

One tool, many applications


One tool, many applications

The Tensor ICB gives better access to the joints and is extremely versatile – one tool can be used for many different applications. With the rotable angle head and slim design you will experience the superior ergonomics of Tensor ICB in your own way.


Fully rotatable trigger

It can be adjusted, or locked, if needed, in any of its 20 positions. It means that you can adjust the grip position of the tool to make it more suitable for the particular application. 

  • 360 degree rotation 
  • 20 positions
  • Great accessibility 

Compact and light battery

Alongside the release of the Tensor ICB tool, we are introducing a new 14V battery – the smallest battery in the Tensor IxB family. Not only is it very lightweight, but it can also be used with different tools from both Tensor ICB and Tensor ITB tool ranges.


Lighter and shorter for superior performance

The Tensor ICB is the perfect choice for cramped area applications as it is 30% lighter and 31% shorter than our previous generation of battery tools. It can also be used with only one hand, which gives the operator an option to free up another hand if needed.

Learn more about the Tensor IxB tools

The Tensor IxB tool family is ready to be integrated directly into your production system, fully managed by the integrated controller without the need for any intermediate controller box. Reducing the hardware footprint on the line and enabling a transformation towards the Smart Factory and Industry 4.0.

Tensor ITB-P

Tensor ITB-A

Tensor ICB

Improve your assembly process

The Tensor IxB platform will revolutionize industrial manufacturing and contribute to the Smart Factory and Industry 4.0. Tensor IxB is a collection of tools that improve quality, profitability, and make production more efficient. The Tensor IxB tools are engineered to overcome modern production issues, enabling improved processes and support in achieving production goals.

We are here to help

Please contact us to find out more about the Tensor IxB platform or to request a demo.

Tensor IxB

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