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Continuous production

The Tensor IxB platform improves uptime in challenging connectivity environments

Increase reliability in the production process

Tensor IxB tools allow us to continue production with maintained process control of the workstation. Even when there is no wireless connection, tools can be managed in radio shadow. 


Keep line assembly moving

In a production environment there are often wireless connectivity challenges due to metallic obstacles, interference with other devices and operators blocking the tool antennas. When tools cannot clearly communicate to the production system, there is a high risk that the production line will stop.


Make station assembly trouble-free

The aerospace industry is a tricky place for sustainable cordless connection with lots of closed metal environments and huge facility areas. Usage of wireless tools with controllers is almost impossible without getting into the radio shadow environment, which leads to many challenges.

Tensor IxB tools have been engineered to keep production flowing

Continue the tightening process even in radio shadow.

Improved signal strength in challenging connectivity environment.

Easy trouble shooting by having real time connection status.


Integrated controller

The tools can autonomously run in radio shadow thanks to the powerful integrated controller which  can autonomously:

  • Control accessories
  • Manage tightening programs
  • Buffer results data

The controller  will also send all the data to the production system, when the connection is restored. 



Dual antenna

The Tensor IxB tools have dual antennas to reduce the risk of bad connection due to obstacles or interference with the operator's hands. This together with the buffer battery will maximize wireless connectivity uptime.

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Real time Wi-Fi status

 Wi-Fi status can be seen on the tool display, to quickly troubleshoot and solve the connection problems. You can also see the real time Wi-Fi status on any devices, including larger screen laptops for deeper investigation.

Learn more about the Tensor IxB tools

The Tensor IxB tool family is ready to be integrated directly into your production system, fully managed by the integrated controller without the need for any intermediate controller box. Reducing the hardware footprint on the line and enabling a transformation towards the Smart Factory and Industry 4.0.

Tensor ITB-P

Tensor ITB-A

Tensor ICB

Improve your assembly process

The Tensor IxB platform will revolutionize industrial manufacturing and contribute to the Smart Factory and Industry 4.0. Tensor IxB is a collection of tools that improve quality, profitability, and make production more efficient. The Tensor IxB tools are engineered to overcome modern production issues, enabling improved processes and support in achieving production goals.

We are here to help

Please contact us to find out more about the Tensor IxB platform or to request a demo. 

Tensor IxB

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