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3D images of blowers in cement plant

Our cost-effective and reliable ZL 2 VSD lobe blowers are now available

With the re-establishment of the ZL lobe blower to the low pressure portfolio, Atlas Copco offers to customer a very cost-effective and reliable solution and establishes itself as a total solution supplier for low pressure compressed air.

ZL 2 VSD installation_blower angle

The positive displacement principle of the ZL tri-lobe blower has proven itself already for many years within tons of low pressure applications, such as pneumatic transport, wastewater treatment, and in chemical applications as a very reliable and stable technology for round the clock operation in the harshest environments. Thanks to the enhanced package, the ZL VSD is now available in a variety of configurable models. The customer can choose between a purely mechanical unit using dial gauges for pressure reading or the high-end solution with integrated VSD inverter and Elektronikon® controller. 

Thanks to the enhanced package, the ZL VSD is now available in a variety of configurable models. The customer can choose between a purely mechanical unit using dial gauges for pressure reading or the high-end solution with integrated VSD inverter and Elektronikon® controller.

With the ZL VSD lobe blower, we are offering customers what they want and what they have been using for since many years, namely a reliable machine at a cost competitive price. Thanks to the enlarged dual offer, we can even better differentiate our lobe blower range and help fulfil the particular needs of all our customers.

Dan Fisher, Product Manager Low Pressure

ZL Compressor Technique