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You Might Have an Air Leak If…

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

4 de Fevereiro de 2021

Valves that don’t close all the way, poorly fitted connections, microscopic fissures in pipes…these are just a few places compressed air can sneak out of your system. And while it may not look like much, escaping air can add up. Just one quarter-inch air leak at 100 psi could cost more than $2,500 a year.

Addressing leaks is a great way to save money, and who doesn’t want to do that? No one, that’s who. In order to fix air system leakage with minimum costs, it is vitally important to detect the problem as soon as possible. But how do you know if you’re facility has air leaks? There are a few telltale signs to look out for. You might have an air leak if…

1. You can hear it.

When you walk through your system, large air leaks are audible. These types of leaks are less common than smaller, inaudible leaks, but they do waste lots of compressed air. Take the time to walk through your system every few months to make sure large leaks aren’t costing you money.

2. You lose compressed air, even when you’re not using it.

If you’re using compressed air even when your end uses aren’t, you have a leak. Any air lost when compressed air isn’t in use is solely feeding the leaks. If this happens, you most likely have lots of little leaks contributing to your air loss.

3. You experience unusual pressure losses.

Has the pressure in your system gone down? Is your compressor working harder to supply the same pressure and airflow that it used to provide with ease? Well, that could be a leak. Again, this is probably the compounding of multiple smaller leaks, but it can add up.

4. Your piping system is more than five years old.

Piping systems more than five years old have been shown to exhibit leaks of up to 25 percent. If your piping is outdated, consider upgrading to a new, easy to install aluminum system.

Operators may notice these symptoms and attribute them to poor compressor performance, but leaks are the most likely culprit. Because most leaks cannot be heard without assistance, ultrasonic leak detection is required. By locating and fixing small leaks, facilities can save thousands in costs each year. 

Schedule a compressed air audit today to end leaks and start saving money.

Download our free Compressed Air Manual

You Might Have an Air Leak If…

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