10 passos para uma produção ecológica e mais eficiente

Redução de carbono para produção ecológica - tudo o que precisa de saber
10 passos para uma produção ecológica de ar comprimido

Tudo o que precisa de saber sobre o seu procedimento de transporte pneumático

Descubra como pode criar um procedimento de transporte pneumático mais eficiente.
3D images of blowers in cement plant

Unparalleled performance, unmatched customization

The integrally-geared (IG) trumps rotary compressor design in sheer performance and handy customization. Superior efficiency and energy savings are achieved by integral gearing that enables compressors to optimize output from compression aerodynamics at every stage

Highest Uptime

For critical and non-critical service in your polyolefin plant, our IG compressors offer the highest efficiency of competing alternatives with 99.7% availability, 99.8% reliability, and the best uptime for your plant

High efficiency and savings

State-of-the-art components, strict adherence to quality standards, codes, and regulations, custom design to best meet the requirement, and reduced production cost mean you get the best value for your investment

We keep you a step ahead

Assured quality: All our global facilities are subject to quality assurance programs certified to the ISO 9001 standard and registered by Lloyds Register Quality Assurance, Ltd. We are registered facilities for the following integrated management systems: ISO14000 (environmental), ISO9001 (quality), ISO50001 (energy), and OHSAS 18001 / ISO45001 (safety).

Flexible packaging: We undertake packaging locally at our worldwide facilities (Germany, India, USA, China), and we also source peripheral components to ensure the highest quality. At Atlas Copco Gas and Process India, we drive an aligned, global sourcing and packaging process while working with PMCs and EPCs from around the world.

Aftermarket service: With a presence in 180 countries, we protect your machinery for a lifetime of sustainable productivity through services ranging from on-site erection and commissioning to breakdown and repair. 

Product tray

PolyBlock: Our single-shaft

PolyBlock: Our single-shaft

PolyBlock: Our single-shaft

PolyBlock: Our single-shaft PolyBlock™ is an adaptation of our trusted single-shaft compressor with the additional advantage of a smaller footprint, improved delivery time, high efficiency, superior maintenance, and improved plant availability.

T-Series Compressor: With its proven design features and maintainability concepts, Atlas Copco Gas and Process

PolyBlock: Our single-shaft

PolyBlock: Our single-shaft

PolyBlock: Our single-shaft PolyBlock™ is an adaptation of our trusted single-shaft compressor with the additional advantage of a smaller footprint, improved delivery time, high efficiency, superior maintenance, and improved plant availability.

T-Series Compressor: With its proven design features and maintainability concepts, Atlas Copco Gas and Process

PolyBlock: Our single-shaft PolyBlock™ is an adaptation of our trusted single-shaft compressor with the additional advantage of a smaller footprint, improved delivery time, high efficiency, superior maintenance, and improved plant availability.

T-Series Compressor: With its proven design features and maintainability concepts, Atlas Copco Gas and Process

PolyBlock: Our single-shaft

PolyBlock: Our single-shaft PolyBlock™ is an adaptation of our trusted single-shaft compressor with the additional advantage of a smaller footprint, improved delivery time, high efficiency, superior maintenance, and improved plant availability.

T-Series Compressor: With its proven design features and maintainability concepts, Atlas Copco Gas and Process

PolyBlock: Our single-shaft PolyBlock™ is an adaptation of our trusted single-shaft compressor with the additional advantage of a smaller footprint, improved delivery time, high efficiency, superior maintenance, and improved plant availability.

T-Series Compressor: With its proven design features and maintainability concepts, Atlas Copco Gas and Process T-series compressors are the right match for the challenging requirements in your polyolefin plant.

GT Compressor: 

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