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Atlas Copco's Industrial Ideas magazine

Giulio Mazzalupi Operational Excellence Award

The Giulio Mazzalupi Operational Excellence Award, instigated in 2018, aims to reward a person or a team for significant contributions of improving and executing processes aimed at delivering products or services to customers in the most satisfying, sustainable, cost-effective and timely manner.

Giulio Mazzalupi Operational Excellence Award 2024

Giulio Mazzalupi Award for operational excellence 2024

Photo for Giulio Mazzalupi Award 2024

The Giulio Mazzalupi Operational Excellence Award 2024, goes to Marcel Horemans, Johan Dom, Dave Verresen, and Karel Vennens, for developing and implementing an automated manufacturing line that truly shows operational excellence.


The motivation reads: “By developing and implementing specific component distribution solutions, new processes, change management and training the Automated Air End manufacturing line has generated a highly stable, cost effective and increasingly sustainable production process. Using mechanical ‘fingerspitzgefühl’ to operate in the most complex processes in industry manufacturing the team behind the Automated Air End manufacturing line has truly shown how operational excellence can be achieved.”

Recent Giulio Mazzalupi Award winners

2023 Hyukseo Kwon and Leo Jung

2022 Anna-Lena Nordqvist, Fredrik Dahlström, Dennis Öhlund, Mattias Schölin, Kerstin Matiasson and Lennart Remnebäck

2021 Alexander Irchin and Oezkan Dimir

2020 Bart Vercammen, Rik Van De Velde and Veerle Van Den Bossche

See all previous Giulio Mazzalupi Award winners

About Giulio Mazzalupi
About Giulio Mazzalupi
In honor of the former President & CEO Giulio Mazzalupi, who among other significant contributions during his 31 years (from 1971-2002) of service completely re-shaped Airpower in Belgium and established Compressor Technique. The Giulio Mazzalupi Operational Excellence Award is granted annually to ‘significant contributions of improving and executing processes for delivering products or services to customers in the most satisfying, sustainable, cost-effective and timely way’.
In honor of the former President & CEO Giulio Mazzalupi, who among other significant contributions during his 31 years (from 1971-2002) of service completely re-shaped Airpower in Belgium and established Compressor Technique. The Giulio Mazzalupi Operational Excellence Award is granted annually to ‘significant contributions of improving and executing processes for delivering products or services to customers in the most satisfying, sustainable, cost-effective and timely way’.
Behind the prize