Giulio Mazzalupi Operational Excellence Award 2024
About Giulio Mazzalupi
About Giulio Mazzalupi
In honor of the former President & CEO Giulio Mazzalupi, who among other significant contributions during his 31 years (from 1971-2002) of service completely re-shaped Airpower in Belgium and established Compressor Technique. The Giulio Mazzalupi Operational Excellence Award is granted annually to ‘significant contributions of improving and executing processes for delivering products or services to customers in the most satisfying, sustainable, cost-effective and timely way’.
In honor of the former President & CEO Giulio Mazzalupi, who among other significant contributions during his 31 years (from 1971-2002) of service completely re-shaped Airpower in Belgium and established Compressor Technique. The Giulio Mazzalupi Operational Excellence Award is granted annually to ‘significant contributions of improving and executing processes for delivering products or services to customers in the most satisfying, sustainable, cost-effective and timely way’.