Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

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Focus area: Climate and the environment

Atlas Copco Group is committed to continuously improving our environmental performance and believes in conducting business in a manner that preserves the planet for future generations. We improve the energy efficiency of our products and in our operations and have adopted science-based targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, throughout our whole value chain.

In 2021, we raised our ambitions by committing to reducing the greenhouse gas emissions throughout our value chain in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement. For the Group’s own operations (scope 1 and 2), this means that we aim to reduce emissions in line with keeping the global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees.


We will also reduce the indirect emissions from our value chain (scope 3), including the emissions that occur when our products are in use, in line with keeping the temperature rise well below 2 degrees. Our targets up to year 2030 have been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative and were implemented in 2022. The work to identify additional opportunities for reducing emissions continues and we acknowledge the need to further develop our roadmaps and targets beyond year 2030.



Following up our progress

Reducing emissions in our own operations

In 2023, the CO2 emissions from our own operations were 38% lower than in the baseline year, 2019. An increased share of renewable electricity was the main driver and some larger facilities switched to renewable energy during the year. 

Reducing emissions in our value chain

In 2023, the absolute emissions in scope 3 were 28% higher than in the baseline year. The main reason for this is increased sales, but the customers’ access to renewable electricity continues to be a major challenge to our ability to reach our scope 3 emissions reduction target.

Waste management

Reducing waste is important to decrease the total environmental impact from our production and increase circularity. Most of our waste is constituted by scrap metal and the vast majority is reused or recycled. This share has been consistently high for many years. Our target is that by 2030, we shall reuse, recycle, or recover 100% of our waste. This target is closely related to circularity, keeping materials in a loop of re-use.


Our sustainability performance

Waste and water 1) 2023 2022
Total waste in ’000 kg 57,598 54,855
Waste (in kg)/COS 2) 641 739
Reused, recycled or recovered waste, % 91 92
Water consumption in ’000 m3 671 624
Water consumption (m3)/COS 2) 7.5 8.4
Energy in own operations 1) 2) 2023 2022
Direct energy use in GWh 3) 153 159
Indirect energy use in GWh 4) 378 359
Total energy use in GWh 531 518
Total energy use in MWh/COS 5) 5.9 7.0
Renewable energy, % of total energy use 63.6 58.0

GHG emissions (restated values)

(CO2e) ‘000 tonnes 2023 2022 Retrospective base year 2019 % change 2023 vs. 2022 % change vs. base year Milestones and target years 2030

Scope 1 GHG emissions 

Gross Scope 1           86 84 86 +2 0  

Scope 2 GHG emissions 

Gross location-based

Scope 2     

142 140 _ +1 _  

Gross market-based

Scope 2

26 33 94 -21 -72  

Scope 1 + 2 GHG emissions

Scope 1 + 2

(market based)

112 117 180 -4 -38 -46%

Scope 3 GHG emissions

Total Gross indirect

(Scope 3) 


250,528 233,197 195,236 +7 +28 -28%

Purchased goods and services

(CO2e) ‘000 tonnes

3,764 4,250 3,276 -11 +15  

Use of sold products

(CO2e) ‘000 tonnes

244,618 226,902 190,381 +8 +28  

Leased assets downstream

(CO2e) ‘000 tonnes

1,668 1,541 1,086 +8 +54  

Other Categories

(CO2e) ‘000 tonnes 

478 504 493 -5 -3  

Total GHG emissions, (CO2e) ‘000 tonnes

Total GHG emissions (location based)  250,756 233,421 _ +7 _  
Total GHG emissions (market based)  250,640
233,314 195,416 +7 +28  

GHG emissions* / revenue (MSEK)

(CO2e) tonnes 2023 2022 Retrospective base year 2019 % change 2023 vs. 2022 % change vs. base year Milestones and target years 2030
Scope 1+2 (market based) GHG emissions / revenue 0.65 0.79 1.61 -18 -60  
Scope 3 GHG emissions (CO2e) tonnes / revenue 1,451 1,624 1,843 -11 -21  
Total GHG emissions (market based) / revenue 1,452 1,625 1,844 -11 -21  
Total GHG emissions (location based) / revenue 1,452 1,626 _ -11 _  

GHG emissions restatement specification

(CO2e) ‘000 tonnes 2022 Base Year 2019

Scope 1+2 GHG emissions 

Initial reported Scope 1+2 108 162
Adjustment to Scope 1+2 9 18
Restated Scope 1+2 117 180

Scope 3 GHG emissions 

Initial reported Scope 3 219,822 170,634
Adjustment to Scope 3 13,375 24,602
Restated Scope 3  233,197 195,236
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Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Read about our ambitious science-based targets and how we take action
