Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society

Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Thumbnail image for a video introducing our science-based targets

Are you up for a challenge?

Join us on an interactive journey to learn more about our culture.
Atlas Copco colleagues in discussion.

Innovation stories

Do you want to learn about our innovations? How operators benefit from our ergonomic equipment or how we secure a minimal impact on the environment?
Corporate people observing parts of products in the field, cover image, ideas, backlight, touch screen

Our annual Industrial Ideas magazine

features stories about how we innovate for a sustainable future and push technology and society forward together with our customers.
Atlas Copco's Industrial Ideas magazine

Contributing to the UN Global Goals

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a call for action to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. They recognize that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social needs, while tackling climate change and environmental protection.

Service technician inspecting rooftop solar panels

How we contribute to the Global Goals

Atlas Copco Group endorses all the Sustainable Development Goals and directly contributes to eight of the 17 goals in particular.

SDG icons - gender equality

Increasing diversity and ensuring inclusion 

Atlas Copco Group promotes inclusion and diversity and strives to improve gender balance at all levels in the Group. The President and CEO have established their own related task forces.

SDG icons - clean water and sanitation

Working to reduce water consumption

Atlas Copco Group entities carry out local activities targeting water consumption. Since 1984 Atlas Copco Group has supported the employee-driven initiative “Water for All”. Since its start more than 2 million people have gained access to clean water and improved sanitation.

SDG icons - affordable and clean energy

Reducing CO2 emissions from our operations and transport

Atlas Copco Group undertakes a range of activities to reduce CO2 emissions from energy in operations and transport of goods, such as installing solar panels, buying renewable electricity and avoiding air freight. 

SDG icons - decent work and economic growth

Focusing on ethics, safety and well-being – for employees and business partners 

Atlas Copco Group requires all business partners to comply with the Code of Conduct. Child labor or forced labor is not tolerated and compliance is assessed and audited. Atlas Copco Group ensures the right to collective bargaining and expects the same of our business partners.

SDG icons - industry, innovation and infrastructure

Continuously increasing the energy efficiency of products and service. 

Energy efficiency in our products and service is a key selling point for Atlas Copco Group. The main environmental impact is in our customers’ use of our products. All projects for new and redesigned products must assess the environmental impact of the product. Products are developed with a life-cycle perspective.

SDG icon - responsible consumption and production

Making production as efficient as possible and reducing waste 

Atlas Copco Group seeks to decrease the total waste produced. Chemical handling follows strict protocols. Components that contain conflict minerals are not accepted and Atlas Copco Group monitors and screens its supply chain. 

Climate action SDG icon

Cutting greenhouse gas emissions

We have set science-based targets to be a part of the solution to global warming and climate change. Our largest impact is in the use of our products, and we provide solutions designed to reduce our customers’ energy consumption and carbon emissions. We also work to lower our own energy consumption, switch to renewable energy and give preference to transport that minimizes climate impact.

SDG icon - peace, justice and strong institutions

Zero tolerance for corruption 

Atlas Copco Group requires all employees to sign their compliance with our Code of Conduct and to take annual trainings in how to handle ethical dilemmas. Business partners are expected to confirm their compliance with criteria based on our Code of Conduct.
