Enabling the transformation to a low-carbon society
Fully committed to being part of the solution for a better tomorrow, we have set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
In 2014, Water for All celebrates 30 years of committed work to provide clean drinking water to people in need.
Warehouse in a warehouse
July 10, 2015
Timely processing and shipping of customer orders for all worldwide destinations is highly critical and generates a lot of different deadlines in the warehouse.
Atlas Copco helps ZF Wind Power optimize air usage and minimize energy consumption
June 11, 2015
Today, wind power is the world’s fastest growing energy source.
A deeper path between the seas
June 5, 2015
The Panama Canal has served the world well for the past century, but today’s larger ships require a wider, deeper passageway.
Meet the Atlas Copco innovators
June 1, 2015
Innovation has always been one of the core values of Atlas Copco. Meet five employees who are making significant contributions to innovation.