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Isabelle Geeber

Isabelle was one of the women who participated in our 2022 annual mentorship program. Read about her experiences together with us at Atlas Copco.

Isabelle Geeber

Education: Master of Science in Business and Economics

University: University of Linköping

Mentor: Sofie Jorheden

Tell us a bit about yourself

I am 24 years old, originally from Stockholm but currently living in Linköping where I study my final year of my Master of Science in Business and Economics. I am a positive and social person who enjoys living an active life and spending time with friends. I work part time as executive assistant at a small family business and during my leisure time I enjoy being in the archipelago.

Why did you apply to the mentorship program at Atlas Copco? How did you find out about the program?

With graduation getting closer, I felt a wish to have a mentor who could inspire me and someone I could discuss my different thoughts with. I had lots of thoughts about my future career and what I wanted to do, and I wanted the opportunity to discuss this with someone! When I read about the mentoring program, I immediately felt that this was something for me!

Tell us briefly about your experiences of the program

It’s been highly valuable for me to talk with my mentor and discuss all sorts of things. We’ve let the setup develop a lot over time by starting from my specific wishes of discussion topics, but also letting the conversations lead us into interesting new topics as time goes on. My mentor has by listening, questioning, and contributing with her perspectives, helped me gain lots of insights and answers on my thoughts. The program also gave the opportunity to do a personality test in purpose of personal development, which has been very interesting!

What has been the best thing about this year, main lessons you have learned?

I’ve gotten to know myself much better in who I am, what I want, and what’s important to me. By this I’ve developed a lot on a personal level! Many things have become clear to me thanks to my mentor as a sounding board. One of the best things has also been the relationship my mentor and I have developed together. Sofie has both supported and challenged me and I’ve been comfortable with discussing all sorts of things with my mentor.

In what way has this mentorship been rewarding for your future career?

By discussing different things and earlier experiences of situations, I’ve learned a lot and gained lots of insights and reflections. I will for sure take all of this with me for my future career! I’ve also gained a better knowledge in what I want to do for my future career, what positions that interests me, as well as lots of tips for recruitment processes and my resume.

Would you recommend others to join the mentorship program?

Absolutely! The quality and value of this mentor program has exceeded my expectations by far and it’s a fantastic initiative of Atlas Copco.

Can you imagine working at Atlas Copco in the future?

Definitely! It’s a very interesting firm, with lots of opportunities!

What are your plans after graduation?

I will move back to Stockholm and look forward to starting my career!

Foto: Mikael Sjöberg

Sofie Jorheden Treasury Control Manager at Atlas Copco AB and mentor of Isabelle