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Atlas Copco's Industrial Ideas magazine

Powering the city that never sleeps

Power plants around the world rely on Atlas Copco fuel gas booster compressors to ensure that natural gas fuel is delivered at the optimal pressure for efficient combustion.

Power plants around the globe, like this one from Astoria Energy, rely on fuel gas boosters from Atlas Copco

Power plants around the globe, like this one from Astoria Energy, rely on fuel gas boosters from Atlas Copco.

Astoria Energy is a huge power plant, supplying energy to the vibrant New York City. Atlas Copco fuel gas booster compressors ensure that natural gas fuel is delivered at the optimal pressure for efficient combustion. Working around the clock, the plant – and the fuel gas boosters at their heart – must generate energy for a city that never sleeps. “We like and trust Atlas Copco’s fuel gas boosters’ dependability,” says Astoria Energy plant manager Michael Stockstad. “We need high reliability, and the machines are integral to keeping the gas turbine generators online. We also value how they are able to adapt to changes in the gas turbine operation, from start-up into normal operations to responding to unplanned upsets.”

Through the experience gained from having commissioned more than 420 fuel gas booster units around the globe, Atlas Copco has established itself as a go-to solutions provider for this vital market.

Because around-the-clock power delivery is essential, Astoria also chose a comprehensive maintenance package from Atlas Copco in order to keep the fuel gas boosters performing in top condition. The teams from Astoria and Atlas Copco Aftermarket work hand in hand to ensure total dependability.

“The fuel gas boosters are very stable,” says Astoria’s Maintenance Manager Ciector Whitelock. “We particularly like the fact that the compressors seem to protect themselves, preventing unscheduled maintenance or downtime. We have not seen any major compressor failures. The machines are methodical and well designed.”

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